Wines and Spirits Business in Kenya (Comprehensive Business plan)

Wines and Spirits Business in Kenya (Comprehensive Business plan) 2022-08-08

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You know what they say: you've got to spend money to make money. And if you're looking for a way to make money that doesn't involve printing your own money (which is illegal, we might add), then you've come to the right place.

We have put together this comprehensive business plan for starting and running a wines & spirits business in Kenya. This plan includes everything you need to know in order to get your business up and running, including market research, licensing requirements, equipment costs and suppliers, raw materials costs and production costs; operational costs like day-to-day operations; revenue and margins; wholesale and retail prices.

Our goal with this free download is simple: we want more people in Kenya to be able to start their own wineries or spirits businesses because we believe it will help build our nation's economy. We hope that after reading this plan, you feel confident about starting your own business!
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