What Should You Do When Someone Steals Your Business Idea?
"I pitched my business idea to a friend but they ended up opening the same business at my exact location." This is a very common story. What should you do in such a scenario?You should stick to your plan. Period! Let me break this down for you.
Running a business is like solving a mathematical equation. You'll need numbers and a formula. The two will give you results, in this case PROFITS.
Your friend may have stolen your idea, but not your dream and thoughts. Actually, celebrate that they did. Thank them if you can. I'm 100% serious! They gave you something you needed to make it, COMPETITION! There would be no Safaricom without Airtel, Jubilee without Nasa, Samsung without Tecno etc. Businesses thrive out of competition. The late Bob Collymore would tell you that to your face. Now here's my last take.
There are many "mtumba" sellers in Gikomba. But others are making millions out of the same hustle where some are making thousands.
What's the secret? Innovation & marketing.
Go ahead with your plan.
Bring your mkokoteni to the same location you wanted. But do this in addition to make you the "Safaricom" while s/he remains to be an "Airtel."1. Pimp Your Mkokoteni with some bright colours that denote cleanliness.
2. Offer a free service. Wash the fruits (as your client watches) and pack them nicely for them. Say something nice in the process. It really matters.
3. Look for a white dust coat. There's something about this attire. I just find myself going for the guy with the coat even when they're selling air like Ngirita. With your mask on, you'll be Dr. Fruits. Hey, I just gave your business a name.
4. If they brought a child with them, offer the kid half an orange or a banana for free. That's love. You win the kid's heart, you win the guardian, and the neighborhood.
I'm done. Remember, you're unique. Do this, and come back with a testimony.
God tells us that "You have not, 'cause you ask not." James 4:2-3. Ambia Baba akupee favour and watch your business boom. Some people are a blessing in disguise.
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